Lighthouse Leadership Weekly #106: Final thoughts, Back to the Fundamentals, How You're Remembered, and more...
As the saying goes, “All good things come to an end.” This is the last edition of the Lighthouse Leadership Weekly. It’s been a fun
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As the saying goes, “All good things come to an end.” This is the last edition of the Lighthouse Leadership Weekly. It’s been a fun
First and foremost, I’d like to thank everyone who took advantage of our Lighthouse Lessons course close-out deals the last two weeks. I’m honored to
What’s your favorite idiom? One of mine is, “sunlight is the best disinfectant.” It’s amazing what you can learn with a little transparency. Yet, it’s
One of the hardest parts about leadership is understanding nuance. Sometimes situations require a different approach than we’re used to. Other times, we find ourselves
This phrase has been running through my mind a lot lately. It’s a good reminder to mix things up, try new things, and avoid getting
1 on 1 meetings with your team are essential for great managers. Our webinar & video shows how you can use 1 on 1s to drive performance & prevent turnover.
There are better ways to thank your employees for a job well done than simply money. We break down 5 simple approaches you can use to thank your employees.
1:1s are hard if your team doesn't open up. Using these 5 approaches you can improve your meetings so you have awesome 1:1s with all of your team.
With the growing trend of managing a remote team, more managers face this new challenge. We cover the most common mistakes when you manage a remote team.
Having a one on one agenda can help ensure you have great one on ones. However, you must avoid these 3 things in a one on one agenda. Learn them here.
Marcus Buckingham shared Gallup's greatest insights for managers in "First, Break all the Rules." We share the best takeaways from Marcus Buckingham.
The value of a good manager vs bad manager can be hard to put a number to. We show you how to calculate the value of a good manager vs bad manager.
Don't make this top manager mistake, or you'll lose key team members. We explain why & what top managers do differently to avoid this high cost.
Kate Matsudaira has built great teams at companies like SEOmoz, (acq. by Ebay), and Amazon. We share her best leadership lessons for managers.
Red Auerbach is one of the greatest coaches in NBA history. He won 9 titles due to a leadership secret you can apply to your team, too. We share it with you.
If you build strong relationships with your team members, it's possible your one-on-ones can get too personal. We share how to navigate this as a manager.
Group 1 on 1s seem like a great idea to get more people involved in listening and helping people. Unfortunately, group 1 on 1s are a bad idea. We share why.
The hot trend is to get rid of employee performance reviews, but is that a good idea? We explain how to keep and fix your employee performance reviews.
Sam Walton is one of the best retailers & entrepreneurs ever in America. We share the best Sam Walton quotes on leadership from his book, Made in America.
The Elephant and the Rider is a key psychology concept that can help you better motivate your team. We teach you the concept and how to apply it.
The First Follower is key starting any movement. As a leader, you start movements every day. We share how to apply the First Follower principle at work.
Want to start a one on one meeting with each of your team members, but facing skeptics? We share how to get buy in & make the most of a one on one meeting.
For 25 years Mark Crowley defied stereotypes of the finance industry & lead from the heart to have teams who performed in the top 5%. We share his lessons.
If you start check-ins (or 1 on 1s) with your team, once a quarter is not enough. We share why you need check-ins more often and how to make them effective.
A recent survey shows most managers are afraid at work; they fear communicating with their team despite the importance. We share why & what to do about it.
Every day management debt is building up on your team. We share how to be an effective leader, who is always on the lookout for management debt & fixing it.
The Deloitte survey of Millennials revealed what really motivates & retains them. We share the key takeaways so you know how to avoid millennial turnover.
Management debt is building up on your team whether you know it or not. Are you addressing it or is management debt causing issues to blow up?
While some companies like Yahoo and Reddit have banned remote work, many other companies are embracing having remote workers due to a variety of benefits.
Learn how great leaders use their 1 on 1s to bring out their teams best with for our FREE 📗 e-book: “10 Steps To Having Amazing 1 on 1s With Your Team”
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