What You Can Learn from Trending Leadership Topics in Spring 2022

by Jason Evanish, CEO Get Lighthouse, Inc.

Are you keeping up with trending leadership topics, like the most recent data about burnout, and the challenges of remote work?

Do you know how remote work has changed this year in particular and how to prepare for that? 

image 4 Leadership Topics

On the newest episode of the “Creating High Performing Teams” podcast, we look at recent hot leadership topics in the world of management, and the lessons you can learn from them.

We talk about:

  • Helping your team deal with one of the biggest workplace issues post-covid: burnout
  • Buffer’s newest remote work survey: the most important changes that could be impacting your team in 2022
  • Uber’s CEO Travis Kalanick’s rise and fall and how managers can be impacted by the decisions of HR

We give you all the context you need to follow along, and share the key insights and actions you should take based on each of these leadership topics. 

Listen to our episode on trending leadership topics:

Show Notes:

  1. Avoiding burnout of your team in a post-covid world
    1. See the Business Insider tweet thread here.
    2. Learn about Learned Helplessness and how it applies at work here.
    3. If you or a team member is feeling burnt out already, this post can help you with recovery.
    4. And some COVID / remote specific advice on avoiding burnout can be read about here.
  2. Reactions to the Buffer State of Remote 2022 Report 
    1. See the full report here.
    2. Key stats mentioned:
    • Remote work tends to hurt your career prospects -> a plurality of 45% felt that was the case.
    • HUGE jump in companies going fully remote (increase from 46-72%). Looks like this is here to stay. 
    • Loneliness and inability to unplug remain the top challenges of remote work.
    • 52% feel less connected to their coworkers since going remote
    • 54% do not support pay being tied to your location
  1. Leadership Topics from Showtime’s show, Super Pumped
    1. Context: This is a show about the rise and fall of Travis Kalanick, founder and CEO of Uber. A number of major HR violations happened during this time, and it’s worth reflecting on as a manager what it means if you encounter these.
    2. Remember the #1 goal of HR is to follow the law and make sure the company does not get sued.
      1. Need to let an employee go? Have clear documentation of both their issues, and your attempts and communication to fix it.
      2. Have an HR incident? Document it, research the laws in your state and country, then come to HR with the report and discuss execution plus any questions you have.
      3. Know your principles. Sometimes, like in Super Pumped, HR may sweep something under the rug or do nothing. You need to decide what's worth go along with (many at Uber are very rich now), and what you're exposed by if you are complicit.  Also think about your own values and if you want to stay at a company that conflicts with your values. You have to live with that decision, and your team will remember. 

PS: Do you feel like you're getting everything you can out of your 1-on-1s?​

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This is the most comprehensive, detailed guide for 1:1s you'll find anywhere. Each week of the program, we'll teach you how to solve one of the hardest challenges of being a manager, and how 1:1s play a critical part of solving them. These lessons include how to retain your best people, get buy-in for key changes, improve team member performance, and a lot more.

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Jason Evanish

Jason Evanish

As the founder and CEO of Get Lighthouse, Inc, Jason and the Lighthouse team have helped managers grow their leadership skills in dozens of countries around the world. They’ve worked with a variety of companies from non-profits to high growth startups, and government organizations to well known, publicly traded companies. Jason has also been featured in publications including NPR, the Wall Street Journal, and Fast Company.

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